Friday, October 29, 2010

August (the tough month)

August started off really well. As you can see above, Mateo earned his first big boy underwear by using the potty (finally!). That was an exciting time for us, and we rejoiced as the clouds parted, sun shined through, and we heard a choir of "hallelujahs" in the background. In all seriousness, it was a big feat for our little guy and we are very proud of him. But then it started getting tough. It seemed like Elise woke up, so to speak, and made up for her first month of slumber and quiet. And it hit us like a rock! She cried. A lot. I mean, a lot. For all you nursing moms out there, you probably know how feeding your baby is the one magic trick in your bag that always works, right? Well, you know you're in trouble when AS SOON as you're done feeding your baby starts wailing. It was like, "hmm, now what can I do...besides hope a couple of hours goes by quickly so I can feed her again." Well, 2 hours seems like an eternity when you have a crying baby in the house. And, our fears were confirmed with our pediatrician gave her that dreaded title...colic. Oh gosh. Help me. No, seriously. Help me. The bright side is we had family come visit us. First came Matt's mom, step dad, sister, and her 1 year old daughter Mia. They got lucky as Elise was not quite the fussy one just yet. We had a nice visit with them.

Then my mom came to visit at the end of the month. Unfortunately that was right in the thick of colicky behavior. But, it was still very nice to have her here, and Mateo had a grand ol' time with grandma.

Awww...brotherly love!

The silver lining to this story is that I'm writing this is retrospect. Two months later we are doing much better, but she still has her moments. If I were writing about August in August there would probably be expletives and tears (both mine and Elise's) involved. Well, the real silver lining is our doctor said colic babies often grow up to be creative and artistic, and have strong character as adults. And, even better, we do have a beautiful, healthy little girl. So, there's nothing to complain about. And she's an angel when she sleeps! :)

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