What is a Raptor? - "Raptor" is another word for
bird of prey: eagles, hawks, falcons, owls, osprey and kites ... hunting
birds with keen eyesight and hearing, strong feet with sharp talons for
grasping and killing prey, and curved beaks for ripping up their food.
Raptors are not the only predators of the bird world, but they are the
only ones that hunt with their feet!
So there you have it. I have to say it was a neat little place. All the raptors that were housed there are permanent residents due to either a mental or physical disability. There were several species of owls, and quite a few bald eagles which were fascinating. My favorite was perhaps the snowy owl, which was white and big and I just wanted to give it a big hug! The kids were intrigued by the birds, but Mateo was probably more interested in the rocks and sticks on the ground. Oh well, someday they might thank me for taking them.